【龙网BT组】【梦幻视觉】【梦幻珊瑚海:唤醒】【BluRay-720P.MKV】【中英】 - 龙网BT发布页 - 梦幻天堂·龙网专属BT发布页
资源名称: 【龙网BT组】【梦幻视觉】【梦幻珊瑚海:唤醒】【BluRay-720P.MKV】【中英】
发布者: 由 killman 发布于2011/12/17 09:44



译  名 梦幻珊瑚海:唤醒
片  名 Coral Sea Dreaming Awaken
年  代 2010
国  家 意大利/澳大利亚
类  别 纪录
语  言 英语
字  幕 [color=red]中英/英中/简/繁/英

IMDB评分 9.2/10 from 10 users
IMDB链接 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1648044
文件格式 x264 + 5.1 AC3 @ mkv
视频尺寸 1280 x 720
文件大小 2.12G
片  长 88 Mins
导  演 Peter Hannan



  Thousands of tons of war wreckage sank into the fabled lagoons of the South Pacific islands during the naval and air battles of World War II. But instead of devastating the region’s underwater ecology, the detritus of human conflict turned into artificial reefs, upon which fantastic mini-ecosystems took shape. NATURE gives viewers a new perspective on wildlife in the South Pacific when its cameras board the WAR WRECKS OF THE CORAL SEAS.

  The Solomon Islands and the waters that surround them constitute an enormous battlefield, where 60 years ago U.S. Navy and Marine forces began a monumental assault that eventually would drive Japanese forces northward, back toward their homeland. In addition to its enormous human toll, the fighting left countless ships and aircraft, including fuel and noxious cargo, on the beds of the formerly pristine shallow waters. Surprisingly, however, this intrusion into paradise did not repel wildlife from those waters. Instead, it attracted it.






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